Hey guys,
We currently utilise SEP 12.1.2015.2015 to protect our workstation and server infrastructure. Currently managed from a single management server.
My question is this, as more traditionally onprem IT services are moving to the cloud, I was wondering whether there is any means of managing our client policies, monitoring, reporting etc etc from a cloud based SEPM management instance rather than having to manage then from a local server with SEPM installed.
A large number of our users are becoming more increasingly mobile and the requirement to connect to our internal network is becoming less necessary with each resource that becomes cloud based. Does Synnantec offer a product / solution that meets this end for Endpoint Protection? Our licenses are set for renewal in the coming months and this might be a deal-breaker.
If Symantec doesn't have something that meets this end does anyone know of any company / product that does? I definitely want a client installed locally but would prefer management to take place in the cloud. I understand that updates etc would have bandwidth implications due to not being sourced from a local, centralised location - but I'm sure such a product would allow you to configure maintenance / update "windows".
Thank you to anyone that takes the time to read and respond to my post.