Hi everybody,
I have installed the client SEP12.1.6 on a new Windows srv 2012R2 std managed by a symantec console on an another server Windows srv 2008. The process was good but after that Windows ask me to activate the Windows key
I had already activate it during the install process.
I tried to activate it but Windows return an error "this key haven't worked. check it or try an another one"
I tried to uninstall the SEP client but it doesn't work. The uninstall process stopped with an unknow error.
If i try to open the client console, Windows open an error box "software has stopped working"
If I try to install again SEP client, Windows open an error box "software has stopped working"
if I try to use the Norton removal tool, Windows open an error box "software has stopped working"
I have disabled the firewall.
By the past I have already install a SEP12.1.5 on a Windows srv 2012 for an another customer without problems and normally it's compatible (https://support.symantec.com/en_US/article.TECH224...).
If someone can help me and save my life !! ;)
Thanks by advance,