Hello everyone! I need to block about 200+ IP addresses in Symantec Enpoint Protection Manager. The rules have been added already to our unmanaged clients manually. We have about 40 PCs on our network. We just purchased SEPM and wanted to export the firewall rules from one client to the SEPM. Unfortunately, it will only export the policy as .XML or .SAR. SEPM only accepts .DAT. So I figured I can just create the 5 firewall rules on the client to the manager, but when I go to Policy, Firewall Rules, Add a blank rule, and go to add......I can only choose 1 single IP address or a range of IP addresses. The problem is....these 200+ IP addresses are from different subnets, etc. I cannot do this by blocking a range! In Symantec Endpoint Protection clients, you can just copy and paste the addresses divided by commas and add multiple different IPs in the firewall rule. But you cannot in the manager.
I need a solution