Good afternoon,
I'm working on an integration between my SEP Manager and another security product via the web api and there are two values I needare the Access Token and the Refresh TOken.
I have created the Web Application in the API and also authorized the API following the documentation. I'm given a key value back that according to the documentation I should pass to this page: https:// : /sepm/oauth/token?grant_type=authorization_c ode&client_id= &client_secret= &redirect_uri=ht tp://localhost/&code= Where my access code is at the end. When I pass my value for access code in the portion "http://localhost/&code=XXXXX" I get "
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below." Returned in the web browser. According to the documentation provided I should get a JSON string w/ the two values I need.
What am I missing?
PS LOL for copy and and paste formating problems here