For some reason, nothing changed but I can't get into the Management Console. I get this error message once I put my username and password:
Failed to connect to the server
Make sure that the server is running and your session has not timed out
If you can reach the server but cannot log on, make sure that you probided the correct parameters
If you are experiencing network issues, contact your system administrator. ErrorCode: 0X80020000
It lets me past that, but cant see anything. However, when I went to look at the services, I see that SEPM WebServer is not started, When I try to start it, it hangs half way and get this message:
Windows could not start the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager Webserver service on Local Computer
Error 1053: the service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
All the other SEPM services are running.
I am running Server 2012 and SEPM version 12.1.5 (12.1 RU5) build 5337
I am attaching the server log