About 3 weeks ago the 12.1 RU 5 client on my OSX 10.10.3 MacBook Pro started popping up about needing to be reinstalled. I finally did so today, though I don't remember seeing that pop-up in a few days, maybe as long as a week.
I have uninstalled/reinstalled maybe 5 times now, using the unsinstall.app and it seems like a successful uninstall, inasmuch as the incon disappears from the status bar, but I haven't verified via filesystem. Where would I look for this, to confirm?
Also, I have pushed the client out from the server everytime and in the last time told it to delete logs and reset communications, but no matter what I do, the client comes back as unmanaged - by checking the "Management" entry in the status bar, under the icon. Is this a situation where I can convert this to a managed client? Where would the troubleshooting start?