I'm having some difficulties figuring out which method to choose when I update my license.
Case is that I have a license that expire the 29th of January 2017, and SEPM is asking for renewal - now I got a new license file and can choose Activate a new or Renew an existing license, this new file have a start date the 29th of January 2017 and expires the 29th of January 2018.
Option one:Renew an existing license.
Since my SEPM specifically is asking for a renewal, I expect this is what I am supposed to do? But then I read how it works and it seems it will delete my current license file when I do this, meaning I have to manually switch the license file on sunday the 29th of January to be sure that I am having an active license all the time?
Option two:Activate a new license.
I've actually done this to one of my SEPM servers, it leaves the old licensfile intact and to me it looks good and in the license overveiw I have my old licence file that expire 29th of January 2017 and the new that starts the 29th of January 2017 - But when I click "Home" my license status is still in need of attention complaining that my license expire soon... Is the new license working or not, will it take over on the 29th or do I need to keep an eye on that and do it manually on the day?
Morten Elmegård