Hey all. I'm wondering, what is the point of SymDiag's Threat Analysis scan - is it for people that don't have a Symantec product installed? I might ask the same for Power Eraser, if the asnwer is different.
I often see references from Symantec articles regarding specific malware varients saying to run power eraser, or run SymDiag's threat scan. Yet, one would not have found the article in the first place, if a Symantec detection did not end up pointing them to it (in theory but also in practice in my case over the years). So the question it begs is, does Symantec not put in all possible protections and scanning in SEP already? Admittedly I'm not familiar with why Power Eraser is useful - I've used it in the past but only on systems that never had SEP to begin with because in my mind if you have SEP, why the hell would you need a seperate Symantec scanning tool, unless perhaps it leverages multi-vendor scanning like VirusTotal might or something but I don't see how that's possible since a free utility being more powerful than the paid product makes no sense.
Oh my :)