SEPM manager services not starting
I need a solution Hello All,After upgrading from SEPM 12.1.4 to 12.1.6,I am unable to login to SEPm console and checked SEPM manager service is not starting.Checked the services i.e.SEPM manager...
View ArticleSEP12RU6 full definitions - prevent setting on console
I need a solution We just recently upgraded our SEPM from RU4 to RU6 on the lab environment. I noticed that under the Admin >> Servers >> SEPM server >> server properties ..there is...
View Articlecan one throttle updates between the GUP and clients?
I need a solution Does SEPM have to the functionality to set the bandwidth between the GUP and clients. Currently when you setup a GUP you can set the bandwidth between the SEPM and GUP only. 1435681163
View Articlela distribution est bloquée à 0%
I need a solution bonjour;j'ai un serveur liveUpdate adminitrator Symantec 2.3.1; je veux télécharger et distribuer produit SEP 12.1RU4;au début le téléchargement echoue à 99%, j'ai modifié le produit...
View ArticleRegarding SEPM upgrade to 12.1.6
I need a solution Hi,I am upgrading the SEP Manager to 12.1.6 and getting enable "There are clients with XP or 2003 Operating Sysmtem installed have been detected. Please enable the TLS to make sure...
View ArticleSEP12.1 distribution blocks to 0%
I need a solution hello;I have aSymantecLiveUpdateadminitrator2.3.1server;I want todownload and distributethe productin SEP 12.1RU4;thedownloadfailsat the beginningto 99%, I modifiedthe product andI...
View Articleupgrade
I do not need a solution (just sharing information) Hi , I have a old version server so i am going to reinstall the os and SEPM server i have taken the database backup so if i will install the new...
View ArticleSEPM to SEP Badwidth control per group?
I need a solution Hey guys,How can we do this? I'm aware of the Group Update Provider setting to limit the bandwidth. But what if there's no Group Update Provider? Just the SEPM Server and the...
View ArticlePass SEP 12.1 uninstall password to msiexec
I need a solution Hi all,This is a command that I'm using to uninstall SEP from command line. How do i mention uninstall password in this?MsiExec.exe /X{0E251D4D-316C-4F8B-A4C5-2722000764BE}...
View ArticleHow to confirm client is getting delta or from Server
I need a solution We know that from Sylink monitoring tool we can know if a client is either taking delta or But are there any ways like apache logs or anything else from Server from where...
View ArticleWindows Server 2012 R2 with Sharepoint 2013 with SEP 12.1.6
I do not need a solution (just sharing information) Dear All!I don't have much time to create memory dumps (frankly I don't even know how should I do one in this scenario) but I wanted to share this...
View ArticleServer cannot process request
I need a solution I recently upgraded to SEPM 12.1.6 on a Windows 2008 R2 Server.I can not connect my client endpoints to the server. I have replaced the sylink file and I have traffic going to the...
View ArticlePower Eraser is now the Symhelp?
I need a solution Hey,We're trying to remediate a malware through Power Eraser, but the KB's download page just point us to download of the Symhelp, why is that?We tried using the Threat Analysis, but...
View ArticleIs Windows 2012 REFS supported in Endpoint Protection
I need a solution We have a customer running a Windows 2012R2 Guest Cluster as file serverThe guest clustered disk are formetted with REFS file system .I wonder if Endpoint protection support REFS...
View ArticleRequire a LU /GUP to provide updates only
I need a solution We have a SEPM in Network A and 20 unmanaged machines at a seperate branch - Network B . Can I setup a liveupdate server in Network B to provide updates only and not manage these...
View ArticleClient not showing in SEP console
I need a solution Hi,My SEPM version 12.1.6 can see detail on home screen, can setting on admin functions, Replication Management server status Succeeded, All status is normal.But i cannot look client...
View ArticleException policy not been updated when adding app to be blocked- even through...
I need a solution Just recently noticed that while I am able to add an exception to policy manually, delete an entry to an exception policy , I am unable to add an app to be blocked via the risk and...
View ArticleSEP Firewall reboot
I need a solution Hey Guys,Just need feedbacks if reboot is required when we enable and disable firewall feature of SEP on clients? I believe it does require to reboot to enable firewall driver to...
View ArticleHow to uninstall SEP Client with password using SEPprep
I need a solution Hi,I have a group of clients who are unable to update content from the sepm through GPU ( noconnection issue and tests between client- GUP - SEPM were successful). I am trying to...
View ArticleSQL Query to find out systems in domain that don't have SEP client installed
I need a solution Can someone help me with an SQL query where I can get the list of systems where SEP client has not been installed? Couldn't find it anywhere!
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